swearing in of
Dr Rajendra Prasad
The first President of the Indian Republic
[ The 1952 General Elections had created a Sovereign Democratic Republic of
India, and Dr Rajendra Prasad, already functioning as Interim President, had
been elected by a popular mandate, the first full-term (1952-’57) President of
the Republic. Here is a brief extract from my forthcoming biography of Dr
Prasad ‘THE HOUSE OF TRUTH’ recounting that historic moment of the swearing in
of our first President. A look-back into history on the occasion of the
swearing in of our 14th President Shri Ramnath Kovind would be of
some interest even as the event unfolds today in our Parliament. – Dr BSM Murty.]
Prasad had been elected, in accordance
with the provisions in the new Constitution, as the first full-term President
with an overwhelming majority of votes.
The total votes polled were nearly 6.45 lakhs of which approximately 84
per cent had gone in favour of Dr Prasad. ‘Today at 11 a.m. in the Parliament
house’, he notes in his diary on 6 May, ‘Shri M.N. Kaul started the counting of
votes in the Presidential election. At 3 p.m. the counting was over and I was declared
duly elected President.’ The swearing in ceremony was slated to take place a
week later and the venue this time once again was to be in the Central Hall of
the erstwhile Legislative Assembly, where the new Parliament was to have its
inaugural three days later. The event would be reminiscent of the ceremonial
transfer of power on 15 August, 1947 which had taken place in that same Hall.
The interim presidency was thus a halfway house arrangement between the
outgoing dominion status and a new emergent full sovereign position. Fittingly,
therefore, unlike the interim presidency, the full-term president was to be
sworn in in the proper people’s forum, the Parliament’s Central Hall. From the
dawn of independence to the proclamation of full sovereignty, things seemed to
have come full circle by this rotation of the venue.
Prasad, however, with quite a few
others, wanted the oath ceremony to have a more democratic, more indigenous
format; preferably ‘held in the open’ with ‘the common people… allowed to have
a sense of participation in it’. He further
expatiates in that diary entry upon the idea in some minute detail with
the swearing in preceded by a mass prayer, planting of a sapling, spinning for
a few minutes, and so forth. Prasad
discussed these ideas with some friends, including Nehru, but the existing
colonial conventions proved too strong to be overridden. The entire show had to
conform to the pre-existing protocol.
Dr Prasad gives a detailed account of
the event as it unfolded on the day. He first went to Rajghat for a prayer
where extracts from Ishopanishad were recited, along with some bhajans.
Next, he went to the Lakshmi Narayan temple for a darshan and returned to the
Rashtrapati Bhawan from where he had to proceed in a ceremonial procession to
the Parliament House for the swearing in.
Started at 8.15 [he writes] on the
horse-drawn carriage with mounted guards in procession for the parliament house
where the presidential swearing in was to take place in the same Hall of the
erstwhile Constituent Assembly where, on 15 August, 1947, Lord Mountbatten, on
behalf of the British government, had formally effected the transfer of power
to me as the President of the Constituent Assembly. The seating capacity there
being limited to about 950, only members of both houses of parliament, foreign
ambassadors, selected government officials, and some few non-government
personnel were present.
After the swearing in it took me about
10 minutes in making a brief speech, first in Hindi and then in English. Dr
Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan was then sworn in by me as the Vice President. I
myself had been sworn in by the Chief Justic of the Supremr Court. This was
followed by a 31-gun salute. And finally the procession returned to the
Rashtrapati Bhawan by the same route. En route near the main crossing, all
three wings of the Armed Forcs presented a guard of honour to me. There were
large crowds lining both sides of the route of procession.
Subsequently, after a while, the Prime
Minister came to tender the resignations of his outgoing Cabinet. He then sat
near me to discuss names for his new Cabinet…Around 1.30 p.m. he came again
with the list of names in his new Cabinet who were to be sworn in formally at 6
p.m…A large party followed at 7 p.m. in the Mughal Gardens in which around
3,000 persons were invited. Then I met the foreign Ambassadors in the Yellow
Room, where people also came to felicitate me formally….
It must have been a busy, hectic day for
him but he was one who firmly believed that ‘his exalted office is an opportunity
and an occasion for service’, and ‘that only service to the nation entitles one
to be President’. For him work alone was real worship, and the motherland was
supreme over one’s self. These ideals formed the core of his personal faith,
innate to his nature, and had only been augmented and nurtured over the past
decades of the freedom movement by his mentor, Gandhi. Prasad was a deeply
religious man, but his religion was that of a ‘karmayogi’. All virtue in all
his actions lay in the action (means) itself, without any attachment to their
fruits (end). Both Bhagwad Geeta and Ramcharit Manas were parts of his daily
reading. And true to their message, in whichever capacity he was asked to
serve, service to humanity and to the nation were central to his fundamental
faith. Unlike Nehru’s, his was not an agnostic secularism, but a kind of secularism
that cohered with the universality of all religions.

At one point in his speech President
Prasad also referred to Mahatma Gandhi’s core principle of ‘right
ends…perceived and achieved only through right methods’. Emphasizing the
importance of the Gandhian way, he said: ‘To [Gandhiji] political freedom was a
vital step, but only a step to the larger freedom of the human spirit. He
taught us the way of peace and non-violence, but not the peace of the grave or
the non-violence of the timid.’
As Prasad saw it, Gandhi’s non-violent
struggle for political freedom was only the right means to the ultimate right
goal of ‘the larger freedom of the human spirit’. For him freedom for the
masses of India lay not in the ‘transfer of power’ or change of government:
true freedom for him lay in the freedom from poverty, hunger, exploitation,
oppression and denial of social justice. With the coming of independence only
half the battle had been won. A far toilsome and arduous battle lay ahead in an
endeavour to rebuild a ravaged nation. Gandhi’s message of Truth and
Non-violence, nurtured by his life-long practice of the teachings of the Geeta,
was meant to be a call not only for freedom for India from an imperial yoke,
but freedom for humanity as a whole from all oppressive subjugation and the
horrific devastations of war across nations. In accordance with the moral
teachings of the Geeta, Prasad, too, believed in and rigorously
practised virtuous action as the right means to achieve the right goals without
attachment to the fruits of the action. Exemplifying the words from the Geeta,
Prasad always lived like one who ‘remained unmoved by good or evil fortune’.
Like the sthitpragya purush in Bhagwad
Geeta, he always lived in a state of equanimity, whether in adversity or in
[This extract
is a slightly edited version. Reference Notes are given in the original book
‘THE HOUSE OF TRUTH : A Biography of Dr Rajendra Prasad’ by Dr BSM Murty, which
is now under publication.]
© Dr BSM Murty
All photos: courtesy Google & Rashtrapati Bhawan
Photo Archives
No part of this extract can be used in any way so as to infringe pre-publication rights.
Dr BSM Murty, 302, Block-H, Celebrity Gardens, Sushant Golf City, Ansal API, LUCKNOW : 226030 // Mob. 7752922938 / 7985017549 / 9451890020
No part of this extract can be used in any way so as to infringe pre-publication rights.
Dr BSM Murty, 302, Block-H, Celebrity Gardens, Sushant Golf City, Ansal API, LUCKNOW : 226030 // Mob. 7752922938 / 7985017549 / 9451890020
Other extracts from the
book which are available on this Blog (Scroll by year and date)
2011: May 28 : The Indigo
Story; July 8: The Butcher of Amritsar; July 17: A Planter’s Murder
2014: Sep 14 : The Seven
Martyrs; Dec 3 : Early childhood in Jeeradei
2015: Jun 30: Congress in
disarray; Aug 27: Clash of Convictions; Oct 8: Presidential
20: Congress at crossroads
Mar 15: Election for Second Term; May 13: Visit to Soviet Union; Aug 25: Limits
of Presidency
Aug 28 : The Last Phase
2017: Apr 15: Champaran Saga (The Indigo Story: Repeat of 28 May 2011); 13 July: Dr Rajendra Prasad: On Kashmir Problem; 25 July: The Swearing in of Dr Rajendra Prasad
Other Important blogs
Aug 28 : The Last Phase
2017: Apr 15: Champaran Saga (The Indigo Story: Repeat of 28 May 2011); 13 July: Dr Rajendra Prasad: On Kashmir Problem; 25 July: The Swearing in of Dr Rajendra Prasad
Other Important blogs
Samagra : 5 Oct 2010 / On Premchand: 26 May 2011 / Has Hindi been defeated by
Shivpujan Sahay : 7 Dec 2011 / Memoirs on Prasad and Nirala : 25-26 Oct 2012 /
Shivpujan Sahay Smriti Samaroh: 27 Jan 2014 / On Amrit Lal Nagar: 18 Aug 2014 /
On Bachchan : 27 Nov 2014 / On Renu: 3 Mar 2015 / On Trilochan: 1 Apr 2015
/Odes of Keats + Shantiniketan: 25 May 2015 / Premchand Patron Men: 3 Aug 2015/
Suhagraat: Dwivediji's poem: 13 Nov 2015/ Dehati Duniya: 8 Aug 2016/
Three stories of JP: 6 Jul 2016/ On Neelabh Ashk: 24 Jul 2016/ Dec 25 2016: Anupam
Mishra: Paani ki Kahaani : 2017: July 10: Doctornama: memoirs of
Shivpujan Sahay
Sep 2 : Has Hindi been Defeated by English
Sep 2 : Has Hindi been Defeated by English