Work in Progress : 6
A Political Biography of Dr Rajendra Prasad
By Dr BSM Murty
Extract from Part VII, Chap. 2
Story of the Presidents Tours during 1952-'57
Presidential Itineraries
In the summer and
autumn seasons of sultriness and humidity in Delhi the President would
generally spend a few weeks in Shimla or Panchmarhi where the climate was more
salubrious. Later in his tenure, he would also spend some weeks in the south in
Hyderabad, Bangalore or Mysore. In this regard, in a letter to Nehru on 14 July
, 1955, he had written:

He even suggested that
the existing Residency building in Hyderabad, already in possession of the government,
could suitably be furnished to serve as the Presidential residence in the
South. The suggestion was ultimately implemented and Hyderabad came to have the
‘Rashtrapati Nilayam’ where Dr Prasad would annually visit and stay during the summer months. With
his base camp at the Nilayam, Dr Prasad would also visit other places in the
South like Madras, Madurai, Kanchipuram, Kanya Kumari, Aurangabad, Ajanta and
Ellora caves, etc with his family members. His granddaughter Tara, in her
reminiscences [BKCM121-150] gives a detailed account of these itenerararies,
though the President would mostly remain preoccupied with his official work and
with meeting local leaders and gentry.
Besides these journeys
to the South, the President would be visiting, once or twice every month,
places in northern states for brief periods for inaugural or ceremonial
functions at universities or similar academic institutions, and almost all
these visits would be by long train journeys in a special presidential saloon,
often interspersed with car travels. These frequent presidential soujourns
could be traced in some detail on the basis of the letters, speeches and other
documents available in the CSD volumes, and a sample listing of such ceremonial
visits to different destinations is to be seen in K.K.Dutta’s short
biographical book [232-37], but they are, at best, of purely academic interest.
Among these, for instance, his visits to Shantiniketan as its Paridarshak (Visitor) on 23 December,
1952 to deliver the Convocation address, and to the Presidency College, Calcutta,
on the following day, as its old alumni, are of particular interest because on
both occasions he gave his speech in Bengali with which he was fluent since his
university days in Calcutta. Similarly on a tour in Assam he addressed public
meetings in Bengali ‘[giving] it turns and twists so as to make it pass for
Assamese’ [Handa109] Dr Prasad was, to an extent, a polyglot scholar with his
range of interests extending from jurisprudence, of which he was an
acknowledged expert, to history, philosophy, science, astrology, literatures in
different languages, and so forth. As Handa, his Press Secretary recalls,
“Truly he was a lover of languages…When the King of Afghanistn came to India on
a State visit, Rajendra Prasad started talking to him in Persian right from the
Palam airport.Even his banquet speech in honour of the visiting dignitary he
delivered in Persian to Nehru’s great surprise”.[Ib.] In multilinguistic
versatility and erudition in classical literature, particularly in Sanskrit,
perhaps, none of his political peers could match his scholarly propensities.
In his Shantiniketan
speech he once again emphasized the importance of our cultural heritage and old
traditions basic to his inherent belief. He said:

To plead for
continuity with tradition is only to accentuate what is innate in history and
culture. Like Gandhi, he was only cautioning the new resurgent generation
against the blind pursuit of westernization in the name of modernization. India
had its own rich treasure of a heterogeneous cultural heritage which could modernize
itself by letting in through its open windows the winds of cultures from all
lands blowing in freely. But the cultural roots must not remain unnurtured or
be endangered. Modernization should not be equated with a hurried and emulative
industrialization that is not in harmony with the basic needs of the common
people who constitute the nation’s majority. That is how Gandhi’s ‘Constructive
Programme’ became a kind of road-divider between the predominantly
pro-industrialization policies of the government and the rural-oriented
village-uplift programmes of the followers of Gandhi. In most of his speeches
during his presidential years, Dr Prasad kept harping on this basic dichotomy
in the national development programmes.
In another equally
inspiring Convocation address, this time in Hindi, at Patna University, three
months later, Dr Prasad laid stress on ‘The Three Aims of Education’.
[CSD16.445-48 Tr] The first aim, he said, was to develop to the full the innate
potentialities in an individual which is best done through the inculcation of
the legacy of collective wisdom stored in the continuity of cultural heritage.
Indeed, ‘it is the collective wisdom of the past generations fructifying the
maturation of the succeeding generations which alone can be called good
education’. The second aim should be to impart life-serving skills to add
practical worth to the acquisition of all knowledge. And the third aim should
be to enable the individual to remain usefully connected with their social
milieu and discharge their social obligations to the full. The existing system
of education has its colonial predilections and its unnatural language bias and
hence much of its dead wood needs urgently to be pruned off. The imposition of
a foreign language is a major hurdle in the natural growth of the innate
potentialities of our youth. ‘This mindless continuation of a worn-out system
of values is distracting our youth from their native collective wisdom’
burdening them with a load of irrelevant knowledge which is of little use to
them in the ultimate analysis. In a post-independence resurgent India when
national reconstruction is our top priority we must opt for a change in this
decadent system of education, sooner rather than later. It must be suitably
geared for a social transformation. ‘Our nation today is in dire need of more
“doers” than “thinkers”’. A balanced approach in our education system is the
call of the moment, a system that favours social action and uplift through
appropriate skill-development in our youth. Our old generation may have done
its bit but now the torch that Mahatma Gandhi had lighted to usher freedom must
be carried forward by our new generation of youth to illumine the future of our
nation, said Dr Prasad.
Reforms in the
existing education system with its colonial legacies was a recurrent concern of
Dr Prasad in most of these speeches he delivered at academic institutions. In
June, 1955, when he was invited to inaugurate the Centenary Celebrations of the
Presidency College, Calcutta, - his alma mater - once again ‘he charmed everybody by speaking in Bengali’. As
the newspapers reported [CSD17.500], he spoke not as Rashtrapati, but ‘with the
humility of an alumnus’ in a ‘language in which he used to converse in those
old days of his in the college…as if, in speech and thought, he [was]
traversing the horizon of the past’. He paid glowing tributes his alma mater
calling it a ‘national monument’ for the glorious contribution it had made
through its distinguished alumni to the political evolution of the country
during its past hundred years. He struck an emotional note as he continued:
Having spent some of
the best and most impressionable years of my life in this institution, I am
today full of reminiscences, and I can close my speech only with a grateful
acknowledgement that whatever little service it has been my good fortune to
render to our people and our country, it has been the result of what I learned
and studied, imbibed and assimilated here not only from books but also from the
lives of all those with whom I came into contact including not only the masters
and professors but also my classmates and contemporaries a great many of whom I
am happy to be able to meet and greet today on this joyous occasion….
[This] college has not
just passively witnessed all the upheavels followed by cataclysmic changes
during the last hundred evenful years. It has not merely seen the drama being
enacted on our political stage, but it has assiduously prepared many an actor,
done a good deal of useful prompting and contributed substantially to the
upkeep of the stage to keep the drama going. There can be no doubt whatsoever
that in free India this great institution is destined to play an important
role…for the glory of India….[And now] when we are a free people and have our
destinies in our own hands, may it not be hoped [that] it will be able to make
an equally significant contribution to fashioning and determining the future of
this country. [CSD 17.436]
It must have been an
emotionally charged event and a newpaper reporter records that many of ‘the
aged contemporaries of the President – hoary-headed autograph hunters’ – were
gladly obliged by the President who signed their autograph books; of course,
only for their grandchildren who were not allowed entry there. [CSD 17.500]
The presidential
itineraries would often include visits to Bihar which always remained close to
his heart, because of Jeeradei, his home village, and Sadaqat Asharam in Patna,
the nodal point in Bihar during the freedom movement. On most occasions when he
was in Patna Shivapujan Sahay, his close literary associate and editor, would
meet him as the latter’s diary reveals. On 21 April, 1954, as Sahay records in
his diary, Dr Prasad was honoured with a literary award for his Atmakatha by Acharya Narendra Dev at the
third anniversary function of Bihar Rashtra Bhasha Parishad. On the same
occasion, Shivapujan Sahay, too, was given a lifetime award by the Acharya for
his lifetime services to Hindi literature. Both Dr Prasad and Sahay donated the
amounts, with a matching sum, back to the Parishad and the Hindi Sahitya
Sammelan respectively. Dr Prasad’s donation was to be used by the Parishad for
creating a welfare fund for indigent Hindi litterateurs. And Sahay’s donation
was later used for creating a Hindi literary forum by the Sammelan for holding
special lectures by visiting Hindi litterateurs. [SS6.507]
Visit to Bihar Jails
In May, 1955, Dr
Prasad was in Patna again and visited this time the Bankipur Central jail. It
was almost exactly a decade after his release from the same prison after a
three-year incarceration there during the 1942 movement days. During his stay
in Patna he also visited the Camp jail there at Phulwari Sharif and the
Bhagalpur Central jail. After these visits he prepared a long note for reforms
in these jails which reflects the wide range of his human concerns and there
also he lays stress on the vocational education of the prisoners, mostly on the
lines of the Constructive Programme. His initial observations about the
perceptible improvement in prison food, living conditions, hygiene and
sanitation at Patna and Bhagalpur jails, however, appear to have been occasioned
by a deliberate window-dressing for the President’s visit rather than being
nearer to actuality. For instance, he gives a quite favourable picture of the
Bankipur jail in his note, not dissimilar to that of the Bhagalpur jail which
he visited soon after.
I am no stranger to
this [Bankipur] jail [he writes]…I went round the different wards and saw some
of the activities in which the prisoners are engaged. Oil crushing, carpet
making and soap manufacturing are the main industries here, and in addition, attention
is paid to cultivation, gardening, vegetable growing, etc. I saw the prisoners
taking a good deal of interest in all these activities…I found the prisoners
very enthusiastic in their work…The prisoners live in clean and healthy
surroundings. They get good and nutritious food…[At Bhagalpur jail] All the
prisoners employed in these industries [making blankets, durries and carpets]
looked smart and cheerful….I saw the several sections of the jail, and the
efforts that are being made to make the prisoners happy by engaging them in
such activities as suit their natural liking and aptitude are indeed
He also has approving
words for the jail staff whom he found ‘able and efficient’, ‘deeply interested
in problems connected with jail reforms’, ‘polite and freely mixing’,
‘successful in [their] untiring efforts to better the condition of the
prisoners’, and so forth. Fifteen years
later, in 1969, however, when this author spent a week in the same Bankipur
jail during the University Teachers’ strike, the conditions there, in all
respects, were almost as despicable as ever, including the behaviour of the
jail staff with general prisoners. All the few latrines were doorless and
filthy, the food served to the prisoners cooked in the open was unbelievably
stinking, and so on...
But Dr Prasad in his
note also makes some worthy suggestions like ‘running the jails on commercial
lines’ through production of ‘marketable goods’ that could make the economy of
the jails self-supporting. As he says: “I think the jails in the State should
be properly classified and the various departments of industry suitably
allotted to the dufferent jails… so that the articles required for use in the
jails could be produced in the jails themselves.” He also argues for the diversification
of the manufacturing potentilaities of the prisoners to include paper-making, dairy
farming, making bricks, tiles, pottery, etc. And he lays special emphasis on
charkha-spinning in jails as ‘spinning on the charkha helps in the moral uplift
of the prisoners, developing qualities of humility and proper judgement, and
engenders a spirit of love for the Motherland”. It was a rather idealistic
thought for implementation in jails for the long term, but its implications of
‘moral uplift’ and ‘humility’ and discipline seem to retain their abiding
relevance. Dwelling further on the idea, he says:
In the non-violent
battles fought by Mahatma Gandhi and in enlightening our people on the
movement, the charkha has played a vital role. The history of the charkha
movement will enable us to acquire humble and thoughtful habits. Side by side,
it will help us in concentration of the mind. While spinning, one gets into a
prayerful and contemplative mood and it helps one to forget all worldly
affairs, thereby contributing to the moral uplift of the prisoners.
In the context of jail
reforms these ideas might seem rather far-fetched, but seen from a moral angle,
if implemented in poper spirit, they could have worked admirably in infusing a
reformative sens of discipline and patriotic feeling among the jail inmates. Dr
Prasad’s admonition had the moral strength of his personal example. He was
perhaps the lone practitioner of charkha-spinning in his daily life till his
last days among all other top Congress leaders including Nehru. Another
important suggestion that Dr Prasad made at the end of his note was that
‘different wards in the jails should be named after our national heroes and
their portraits and short life histories should be displayed on the prison
walls…[along with the] life-sketches of all those leaders who spent theor lives
for some time in [these] jails’. He also suggested that prayers should be conducted in all jails ‘on the lines of
the prayers conducted in Gandhiji’s Ashram…[with] due place given to all
religions’. Thus we find that there was a remarkable unity of action and
thought in Dr Prasad’s personal as well as public life and wherever he went he
only preached what he practised in his own life.
Visit to Andamans

I landed at Port Blair
on the morning of the 10th March [he begins] from INS Delhi after an interesting but
uneventful voyage from Calcutta. The voyage was uneventful because the sea was
perfectly calm and we had a very quiet journey. It was interesting because the
two Destroyers, the Godavari and the Ganga together with the Delhi showed us some of their
manoeuvers…We left Port Blair on the night of the 12th after
spending two and a half days there. Within this period there were several
functions and I had opportunity of meeting various classes and groups of people.[CSD17.307-16]
The visit to the
island group lasted a full week including the three-day return sea-voyage from
Nancowry reaching Vishakhapatnam on 17 March, 1954. During the four days of his
travels among the three main islands - the Andaman, the Nicobar and the
Nancowry, north to south in that order – Dr Prasad made a thorough study of the
geo-socio-anthropological features of this offshore Indian archipelago which
has since become a beautiful tourist destination. Sea-voyages are normally not
very comfortable even for healthy people, but luckily for Dr Prasad the
sea-gods remained kind and propitious throughout his visit. In a sea-voyage
lasting around ten days in all, including his four-day stay on the three
islands, to have spent almost a week sailing on the sea must have given Dr
Prasad enough quiet leisure to record his detailed observations on these
offshore islands which were used during the British rule as ‘kala pani’
(meaning ‘dark waters’ of the the sea) -
or transportation for life of convicts, mostly for political offences. Though
in this long diary note Dr Prasad makes no mention of his visit to the infamous
Celullar Jail situated in Port Blair.
Dr Prasad begins his
observations with details of his encounter with the Aboriginals living in those
scattered islands, the chief among them being the Andamanese, the Onges and the
Jharawas. Their population, on the whole, is scant and generally hostile to
outsiders. A few Andamanese and Onges were first shown to him. The following
gives a summary of his observations on these tribals.[Note]
A few Onges were also
shown to us. An Italian anthropologist, Dr Capriani, working amongst them for the Indian Anthropological Dept, had
brought these people to me. They are very simple, short statured beings, dark
in complexion with very short curly hair that they would shave only with
sharpened shells; having short, soft, flabby bodies not of any muscular build. The
men and women are almost alike in appearance as men have no moustaches and
women have no long hair. Both remain nearly stark naked, the women wearing only
a skimpy grass skirt in front, and men wearing only some sort of bark lungottis in their loins. Curiously
enough, thery could just understand a little of Hindi. They know nothing of
agriculture and eat no cereals, living mostly on fish, crabs, etc they catch
from the sea, or pigs and such other animals around them. They don’t know how
to make fire and would take great care to keep it burning. They would cook the
meat, without salt, on a stone slab with fire burning underneath, putting the
meat on leaves and covering it with more leaves and earth to prevent the steam
from escaping. They prize a matchbox most and I presented each one of them with
packets containing half-yard cloth pieces, some sugar, a matchbox, some tobacco
(which they love to smoke) and a small looking glass. Besides the Andamanese
and the Onges, there is another tribe known as Jharawas who are very hostile
and would shoot with their arrows any outsider on sight. But gradually efforts
are being made to connect with them with the lure of presents. Earlier, I
learnt, they would shoot any approaching boat, or expecting gifts from the boatmen,
would hide themselves, till the gifts were left behind for them with the boats
quietly retreating.
The rest of the
population is mixed and consists generally of the descendants of the convicts
transported there for life since 1858 when the British set up the island as a penal
colony, or of migrants from the mainland, like traders, labourers, government
servants, etc who are mostly Hindus, but also Muslims and Christians. And they
all speak Hindi. The density of such population is the highest within a radius
of about 30 to 50 kms of Port Blair. “The rest of [the island] is mostly jungle
with very sparse population, apart from the labour employed in working the
forests…The island is hilly, with dense forest and hardly any wide valleys, or
plateau, which is the feture of most of the Andaman islands.”
Dr Prasad’s observations
about the settlement of Bengali immigrants, the land utilization problem, the
agricultural problems, the social assimilation of the tribal population, and
such other variable features may not have the same statistical validity today
after a lapse of more than half a century, yet they present an utterly
realistic description both of the demographic and the social aspects of the
life on these islands.
When after a couple of
days in Port Blair he sailed for Car Nicobar island and reached there after ‘a
night’s voyage’, he found the topography similar with the same ‘luxurious green
growth’ all around. But the Nicobarese tribals there appeared very different
from, and rather socially more advanced than, the Andamanese and Onges tribals.
Once again Dr Prasad gives us a very fascinating picture of these Nicobarese tribals
who have their own scriptless dialect, though they understand Hindi and their
children are now picking up Hindi in their schools.

They live in peculiar
houses which they build on posts made of stems of trees cut at more than man’s
height; the floor is of split bamboo matting and the top is all covered with
grass thatch. Most of these houses are more or less circular in shape and one
peculiarity is that there is no opening of any kind whatsoever in the roof and
there are no side walls. The only opening is through the floor through which I
was told they get enough ventilation. This small opening is just wide enough to
have a bamboo ladder put through on which they climb, and once they are all in
the house, the ladder is lifted up and there is no connection with the ground
except the posts on which the construction is built. Men and women all sleep
together, there being no compartments. Formerly they were not using any clothes
at all but used to wrap round their waist coconut leaves sewn together…
The next stop was the
Nancowry island. Nancowry is the southernmost of this Anadaman archipelago –
about 150 kms south of Car Nicobar island – where Dr Prasad arrived on 14th
morning. His return voyage to Vishakhapatnam was to start from Nancowry in the
afternoon. Nancowry island, he writes, is populated by the same Nicobarese
tribe, though they are not Christians, and are rather more primitive in their
living. The island, unlike Car Nicobar’s alluvial sandy plains, is hilly like
the Andamans. A striking feature in the entire Andaman archipelago, however, as Dr Prasad remarks, is the low incidence of crime or law and
order problems. All forests there all over are full of valuable timber, with a
large variety of both hard and soft timber that is in great demand both in
India and abroad. For Dr Prasad, it was fascinating to see a dedicated team of
about 80 elephants, maintained by the Forest Dept, lifting, loading and moving
huge timber logs to the large mill near the shore where they were to be
processed before being exported. But what truly impressed Dr Prasad was that
most of the native Indians there, ‘descended from persons who were once
convicts sentenced to transportation for life…take pride in saying that they
are descendants of those who were sent there after the events of 1857 in
India…and even those who have no such geneology take pride in it as descendants
of old patriots’.
Visit to Lakshadweep islands

(C) Dr BSM Murty
Photos: Courtesy Google Images
Earlier extracts from the book (10) can be read by clicking downline on OLDER POSTS in Archives in 2011 & 2015. No part of the text can be copied or reproduced elsewhere without the author's permission. Contact:
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